Sunday, December 28, 2008

Join the Resistance. Fall in Love

Taken from Cassie's MySpace blog

join the resistence. fall in love.

Falling in love is the ultimate act of revolution, of resistance to today's tedious, socially restrictive, culturally constrictive, humanly meaningless world.

Love transforms the world. Where the lover formerly felt boredom, he now feels passion. Where she once was complacent, she now is excited and compelled to self-asserting action. The world which once seemed empty and tiresome becomes filled with meaning, filled with risks and rewards, with majesty and danger. Life for the lover is a gift, an adventure with the highest possible stakes; every moment is memorable, heartbreaking in its fleeting beauty. When he falls in love, a man who once felt disoriented, alienated, and confused will know exactly what he wants. Suddenly his existence will make sense to him; suddenly it becomes valuable, even glorious and noble, to him. Burning passion is an antidote that will cure the worst cases of despair and resigned obedience.

Love makes it possible for individuals to connect to others in a meaningful way—it impels them to leave their shells and risk being honest and spontaneous together, to come to know each other in profound ways. Thus love makes it possible for them to care about each other genuinely, rather than at the end of the gun of Christian doctrine. But at the same time, it plucks the lover out of the routines of everyday life and separates her from other human beings. She will feel a million miles away from the herd of humanity, living as she is in a world entirely different from theirs.

In this sense love is subversive, because it poses a threat to the established order of our modern lives. The boring rituals of workday productivity and socialized etiquette will no longer mean anything to a man who has fallen in love, for there are more important forces guiding him than mere inertia and deference to tradition. Marketing strategies that depend upon apathy or insecurity to sell the products that keep the economy running as it does will have no effect upon him. Entertainment designed for passive consumption, which depends upon exhaustion or cynicism in the viewer, will not interest him.

There is no place for the passionate, romantic lover in today's world, business or private. For he can see that it might be more worthwhile to hitchhike to Alaska (or to sit in the park and watch the clouds sail by) with his sweetheart than to study for his calculus exam or sell real estate, and if he decides that it is, he will have the courage to do it rather than be tormented by unsatisfied longing. He knows that breaking into a cemetery and making love under the stars will make for a much more memorable night than watching television ever could. So love poses a threat to our consumer-driven economy, which depends upon consumption of (largely useless) products and the labor that this consumption necessitates to perpetuate itself.

Similarly, love poses a threat to our political system, for it is difficult to convince a man who has a lot to live for in his personal relationships to be willing to fight and die for an abstraction such as the state; for that matter, it may be difficult to convince him to even pay taxes. It poses a threat to cultures of all kinds, for when human beings are given wisdom and valor by true love they will not be held back by traditions or customs which are irrelevant to the feelings that guide them.

Love even poses a threat to our society itself. Passionate love is ignored and feared by the bourgeoisie, for it poses a great danger to the stability and pretense they covet. Love permits no lies, no falsehoods, not even any polite half-truths, but lays all emotions bare and reveals secrets which domesticated men and women cannot bear. You cannot lie with your emotional and sexual response; situations or ideas will excite or repel you whether you like it or not, whether it is polite or not, whether it is advisable or not. One cannot be a lover and a (dreadfully) responsible, (dreadfully) respectable member of today's society at the same time; for love will impel you to do things which are not "responsible" or "respectable." True love is irresponsible, irrepressible, rebellious, scornful of cowardice, dangerous to the lover and everyone around her, for it serves one master alone: the passion that makes the human heart beat faster. It disdains anything else, be it self-preservation, obedience, or shame. Love urges men and women to heroism, and to antiheroism—to indefensible acts that need no defense for the one who loves.

For the lover speaks a different moral and emotional language than the typical bourgeois man does. The average bourgeois man has no overwhelming, smoldering desires. Sadly, all he knows is the silent despair that comes of spending his life pursuing goals set for him by his family, his educators, his employers, his nation, and his culture, without ever being able to even consider what needs and wants he might have of his own. Without the burning fire of desire to guide him, he has no criteria upon which to choose what is right and wrong for himself. Consequently he is forced to adopt some dogma or doctrine to direct him through his life. There are a wide variety of moralities to choose from in the marketplace of ideas, but which morality a man buys into is immaterial so long as he chooses one because he is at a loss otherwise as to what he should do with himself and his life. How many men and women, having never realized that they had the option to choose their own destinies, wander through life in a dull haze thinking and acting in accordance with the laws that have been taught to them, merely because they no longer have any other idea of what to do? But the lover needs no prefabricated principles to direct her; her desires identify what is right and wrong for her, for her heart guides her through life. She sees beauty and meaning in the world, because her desires paint the world in these colors. She has no need for dogmas, for moral systems, for commandments and imperatives, for she knows what to do without instructions.

Thus she does indeed pose quite a threat to our society. What if everyone decided right and wrong for themselves, without any regard for conventional morality? What if everyone did whatever they wanted to, with the courage to face any consequences? What if everyone feared loveless, lifeless monotony more than they fear taking risks, more than they fear being hungry or cold or in danger? What if everyone set down their "responsibilities" and "common sense," and dared to pursue their wildest dreams, to set the stakes high and live each day as if it were the last? Think what a place the world would be! Certainly it would be different than it is now—and it is quite a truism that people from the "mainstream," the simultaneous keepers and victims of the status quo, fear change.

And so, despite the stereotyped images used in the media to sell toothpaste and honeymoon suites, genuine passionate love is discouraged in our culture. Being "carried away by your emotions" is frowned upon; instead we are raised to always be on our guard lest our hearts lead us astray. Rather than being encouraged to have the courage to face the consequences of risks taken in pursuit of our hearts' desires, we are counseled not to take risks at all, to be "responsible." And love itself is regulated. Men must not fall in love with other men, nor women with other women, nor individuals from different ethnic backgrounds with each other, or else the usual bigots who form the front-line offensive in the assault of modern Western culture upon the individual will step in. Men and women who have already entered into a legal/religious contract with each other are not to fall in love with anyone else, even if they no longer feel any passion for their marital partner. Love as most of us know it today is a carefully prescribed and preordained ritual, something that happens on Friday nights in expensive movie theaters and restaurants, something that fills the pockets of the shareholders in the entertainment industries without preventing workers from showing up to the office on time and ready to reroute phone calls all day long. This regulated, commercial "love" is nothing like the passionate, burning love that consumes the genuine lover. These restrictions, expectations, and regulations smother true love; for love is a wild flower that can never grow within the confines prepared for it but only appears where it is least expected.

We must fight against these cultural restraints that would cripple and smother our desires. For it is love that gives meaning to life, desire that makes it possible for us to make sense of our existence and find purpose in our lives. Without these, there is no way for us to determine how to live our lives, except to submit to some authority, to some god, master or doctrine that will tell us what to do and how to do it without ever giving us the satisfaction that self-determination does. So fall in love today, with men, with women, with music, with ambition, with yourself. . . with life!

One might say that it is ridiculous to implore others to fall in love—one either falls in love or one does not, it is not a choice that can be made consciously. Emotions do not follow the instructions of the rational mind. But the environment in which we must live out our lives has a great influence on our emotions, and we can make rational decisions that will affect this environment. It should be possible to work to change an environment that is hostile to love into an environment that will encourage it. Our task must be to engineer our world so that it is a world in which people can and do fall in love, and thus to reconstitute human beings so that we will be ready for the "revolution" spoken of in these pages—so that we will be able to find meaning and happiness in our lives.

What if everyone decided right and wrong for themselves, without any regard for conventional morality? What if everyone did whatever they wanted to, with the courage to face any consequences? What if everyone feared loveless, lifeless monotony more than they fear taking risks, more than they fear being hungry or cold or in danger? What if everyone set down their "responsibilities" and "common sense," and dared to pursue their wildest dreams, to set the stakes high and live each day as if it were the last? Think what a place the world would be!

Friday, December 12, 2008

I Won't Wait
I see what you’re doing
Trying to get sympathy.
But it’s just not working,
You’re not fooling me.

You say that you hate it
When he don’t treat you right.
But you don’t say a word,
Afraid it’ll start a fight.

So don’t tell me you’re lonely
And then just ignore me.
‘Cause you won’t get any
pity from me.

So when he’s gone
And you’re all alone
Looking back on
What you could have done

I’ll be far away
You’ll wish I had stayed
But no matter what you do,
I won’t be back for you.

So don’t tell me you’re lonely
And then just ignore me.
‘Cause you won’t get any
pity from me.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Remember when you were little and you didn't really pay attention to what was going on in the world? When you were just oblivious to pretty much everything? those were the days. No stupidity of our country's leaders could even faze you, because you didn't even know what was going on. They were right when they said "Ignorance is bliss."

Ride Majestic
On a snow white horse
Sits a knight in shining armor
At his side, his squire,
The son of a farmer.

A sacred honor
A pledge to protect us,
The brave knight fights
and rides majestic.

His sword is bright,
Its edge is sharp,
Yet he is chivalrous
and polite.

A sacred honor,
A pledge to protect us,
The brave knight fights
and rides majestic

The battle blazed for twenty days
The dragon's fire singed his legs
But quit he could not
His oath he had not forgot.

A sacred honor,
A pledge to protect us,
The brave knight fights
and rides majestic.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dear God,

How about this? Cut your losses and try again. Humanity is obviously a failed experiment. Free will? Seriously? Did you actually expect us to be able to be able to balance or emotions and or reason in a way that we wouldn't be self-destructive? Using up resources like they are limitless, killing one another for control, obsessing over the meaningless and mostly pointless lives of those we declare "celebrities"? If you won't start from scratch completely, then at least get rid of everyone in power and replace them with people who actually have a little common sense. Congress denies the auto industry a loan, but then tries to give banks even more money because they've gone through half of it in about one month? Seems as though more than one person has their head a little too far up their ass. And this latest terrorist attack in Mumbai? If they kill enough people, they may get control, but over who, the dead? No, it'd be best if you just wiped out earth and started on another planet. Who knows, you may have already started another planet and just didn't have the heart to destroy us before you left. If that's the case, then just put us out of our misery now. It's not murder, it's euthanasia, and it's for our own protection and in the best interest for the rest of the universe, because, You forbid, if we should actually be able to travel beyond our own solar system.


Insignificant speck #1,582,633,947,019

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oranges - Gary Soto
The first time I walked
With a girl, I was twelve,
Cold, and weighted down
With two oranges in my jacket.
December. Frost cracking
Beneath my steps, my breath
Before me, then gone,
As I walked toward
Her house, the one whose
Porch light burned yellow
Night and day, in any weather.
A dog barked at me, until
She came out pulling
At her gloves, face bright
With rouge. I smiled,
Touched her shoulder, and led
Her down the street, across
A used car lot and a line
Of newly planted trees,
Until we were breathing
Before a drugstore. We
Entered, the tiny bell
Bringing a saleslady
Down a narrow aisle of goods.
I turned to the candies
Tiered like bleachers,
And asked what she wanted -
Light in her eyes, a smile
Starting at the corners
Of her mouth. I fingered
A nickle in my pocket,
And when she lifted a chocolate
That cost a dime,
I didn't say anything.
I took the nickle from
My pocket, then an orange,
And set them quietly on
The counter. When I looked up,
The lady's eyes met mine,
And held them, knowing
Very well what it was all

A few cars hissing past,
Fog hanging like old
Coats between the trees.
I took my girl's hand
In mine for two blocks,
Then released it to let
Her unwrap the chocolate.
I peeled my orange
That was so bright against
The gray of December
That, from some distance,
Someone might have thought
I was making a fire in my hands.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

White Noise

Sometimes the signal is so clear
I'll get the message you sent last year
but most times the static in the air
makes you impossible to hear.

It drowns you out
It blocks the sound
So I can't hear you screaming
Help me out!

Sometimes I forget you're even here
just another face in a magic mirror
that sits all day upon the wall
reminding me of the fairest of them all

If I could just break the glass
I know I could save your ass
but the static makes me sleepy
and lulls me to sleep because

It drowns you out
It blocks the sound
So I can't hear you screaming
Help me out

Help me out!
Let me out!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old LJ Posts

These are just some old posts from LJ that I'm moving over here.

The Death of Rock (and good music in general)
I have come to a realization: There is no good music being played on the radio these days. Good music ended in the 90's. Not to say that there aren't talented groups out there and that all music today sucks, but just saying that for the most part, the people who are getting all of the attention aren't going to be remembered after they are done. Not like Elvis or Van Halen or even the Smashing Pumpkins are going to be remembered. The problem is that all the music sounds the same, and no one is making music that really speaks to anyone for a lasting amount of time. Have you noticed that there are no songs that are longer than 4 minutes playing on the radio? and if there are longer songs, they are cut down and split up. People are making music for the A.D.D. generation. They are also trying to get more and more interest from the mainstream crowd at the cost of alienating their long-time fans. If you want to do something new, fine, but don't forget who your first fans were. don't get out of touch with them, because they have helped make you. There are also no love songs anymore. At risk of sounding feminine, this disturbs me. There have been so many rock songs that address love, but no more. It's all about the sex now. and that disappoints me. SO, if you are starting a band, in a band, or involved in any way with music, please, Please,PLEASE stay true to your fans, be different, don't be what the record label wants you to be. and maybe, just maybe, future generations will know what good music is.

Random Fact: In a recent poll, 86% of people asked said that they could have a meaningful relationship with God without religion.

Let's face it, people. Religion is losing ground in the battle for people's minds. Between thinking about which two-faced politician promising the moon will run the country the best, and keeping track of which celebrity is in rehab this week, there really isn't much room left to contemplate whose god is real and whose peaceful, all -loving god is really commanding them to kill the infidels. People are becoming increasingly disenchanted with organized religion amid the Catholic sex scandals and the religious wars overseas and right here at home. Who's to say that they're right? who's to say they're wrong? Why do we feel the need to separate and divide into groups to constantly bicker over the (I use this term very loosely) "right" religion? Why can't they all be right, even when all are wrong? They all have the right message, but are wrong in believing that only one religion can be right and the rest are wrong.

At the heart of all religions, what is the main message? Love and peace. Whether that is between groups or in one's own mind. Even in religions that seem to be completely different there are so many similarities. Let's use Hinduism and Catholicism for an example. We can start by making a short list of some of the bigger differences.

1. Hinduism believes in many gods. Catholicism believes in one God.
2. Hindus believe in reincarnation until one reaches Nirvana. Catholics believe in one life and an eternal afterlife.
3. Hindus have the Rig Veda. Catholics have (many versions of) the Bible.
4. Hindus do not have sacraments. Catholics do.

Now to see what they have in common.
1. Both lead people to try to reach beyond their earthly desires to reach the pinnacle of spiritual bliss. Hindus call it Nirvana, Catholics call it Heaven. Same goal, different names.
2. Both have holy books to help them guide their lives including laws, dietary laws, and spiritual guidance. Again, same things, different names.
3. Both have prayer
4. Both have a group of super dedicated religious.
5. Both use meditation to find balance in life and as an attempt to communicate with the Divine.
6. Both have a large following.
7. Both preach love and harmony inside and between the rest of the world and tolerance.

Now aside from the differences in names, the only difference that is left is the monotheistic view and the polytheistic view. For the sake of argument, I will go out on a limb and say that I believe that even this seemingly major difference can be reconciled. Now a person looking at Catholicism might be confused with the idea of the Trinity. They might see Catholicism as being polytheistic. Three gods? In actuality, there are three faces of God, separate, but still the same single entity. Some may think of it as a schizophrenic god, but it is a serious and common misconception. There is only one God, just manifesting Him(or Her)self in different forms. Hindus can relate to this. After all, their own god Brahma (the ultimate spirit, the One without a second) manifested Himself through various forms throughout history. Now Hinduism seems to place varying levels of importance on the different gods. There are the major players and there are the lesser gods that perform minor duties that are just as important for the world to function as it does. Perhaps Catholicism can be compared with this idea with the Trinity, saints, and angels. After all, running the universe is a big job. Anyone would need help, even an all-powerful being. So while all are the same, the members of the Trinity are individual and have their own duties. God the Father is like the store manager. He oversees the everyday function of the universe and makes sure everything runs smoothly. God the Son, referred to from here on in as Jesus, is like the associate manager. He takes care of what he can and relays problems and concerns of the employees (the faithful) to the store owner (God the Father). God the Holy Spirit is like the Human Resource department. He is there to provide moral support and provide the employees with the necessary tools to get the job done. He refreshes us when we are feeling low and gives us the strength to carry on and the wisdom to live a good life. The angels and saints are also in the HR department inspiring us through example. So you see, even with the monotheistic view, there is more than one player. Hinduism, to me, at least, is the same way. They recognize that while there is one ultimate deity, Brahma, He has help too. The lesser gods have their jobs to do to help humans live a good life and reach Nirvana.

Now, I don't want anybody to read this and just accept it, I'm just asking that you think about it yourself and try it with other religions too, I know I have. If it makes sense, then great, if not, then that's great too. What we really need to do is to look around and find what works for ourselves. We need to stop thinking in terms of right and wrong and start thinking in terms of "right for me" and let others do the same. There is no right religion or wrong religion. So pray in a mosque, church, temple, synagogue, or anywhere and anyway you please. Because in the end, all religions are right, and all religions are wrong.

the Peacemaker
Test finished!
you chose BX - your Enneagram type is NINE.

"I am at peace"

Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union
with others and the world around them.

How to Get Along with Me

  • If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially
    don't like expectations or pressure.

  • I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advatage of this.

  • Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit.

  • Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge
    me gently and nonjudgmentally.

  • Ask me questions to help me get clear.

  • Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery.

  • Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings.

  • I like a good discussion but not a confrontation.

  • Let me know you like what I've done or said.

  • Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life.

What I Like About Being a Nine

  • being nonjudgmental and accepting

  • caring for and being concerned about others

  • being able to relax and have a good time

  • knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around

  • my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good
    mediator and facilitator

  • my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and

  • being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe

What's Hard About Being a Nine

  • being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive

  • being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline

  • being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch
    of the mouth personally

  • being confused about what I really want

  • caring too much about what others will think of me

  • not being listened to or taken seriously

Nines as Children Often

  • feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant

  • tune out a lot, especially when others argue

  • are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves

Nines as Parents

  • are supportive, kind, and warm

  • are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

HarperSanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

Friday, October 24, 2008

So after Water Resources class yesterday, me, Katie, and Alex (whose mom taught me back in grade school) stayed behind to talk to the teacher about possible internships and ended up talking about the economy, presidential candidates, and issues we have with both. It was pretty interesting that we supported different candidates for exactly the same reasons. That is, the reason they supported candidate A is the EXACT same reason I support candidate B. Weird, huh? Well, I gotta go finish my ecology lab, so peace out!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Found this the other day

Boys With Girlfriends - Meiko

when i first met you i knew you were the one
till you took me home and met her
she had your boxers on
she was listening to your song
and i thought right then that you had everything

but i knew
she was jealous from the start
yeah i knew
she was jealous from the start

cos i know better not to be friends with boys with girlfriends
oh i know better than that i know better
you play the victim and i'll be the bad guy
i know better than that, i know better
(oh oh oh oh oh oh X 2)

we started hanging around after 9
i couldve sworn you i was yours
you looked at me and said
its a little too late for bed
we went to hopesal and
talked about everything

but i knew
she was jealous from the start
yeah i knew
she was jealous from the start

cos i know better not to be friends with boys with girlfriends
oh i know better than that i know better
you play the victim and i'll be the bad guy
i know better than that, i know better

what she did to us was tragic
oh oh oh
and i have to do what's right
oh oh oh
what we had was really magic
oh oh oh
but i have to get what's mine
i don't get what's mine
and you get yours

cos i know better not to be friends with boys with girlfriends
oh i know better than that i know better
you play the victim and i'll be the bad guy
i know better than that, i know better
X 2

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

...Not Often, but Sometimes

Every once in a while the absolutely ridiculous people, the ones that would've been eaten by bears in olden days, actually make a valid point. This blog is going to highlight some of those cases. Now, they don't happen very often, so in between these rare epiphanies, I'll use this to just share my thoughts and some songs I may be working on, or just random lyrics I can't seem to get out of my head.